onsdag 13 november 2013

Prydnadsapel - abstrakt

Här har jag bearbetat en av bilderna nedan i Picasa och fått fram denna abstrakta struktur på prydnadsapel.
Jag bröt några kvistar och satte i en väderbiten kruka tillsammans med några spiralformade, svarta blomstöd.
Länkat till Nature Footstep, abstract 45

9 kommentarer:

Alice sa...

This was done in Picasa? Very nice.

Our photos sa...

Nice photos!
Greetings, RW & SK

Ela sa...

Wow ! Interesting photo :)
Greetings !

Lmkazmierczak sa...

Love the results♫♪ http://lauriekazmierczak.com/pixel-art/

Judy sa...

I think I prefer the traditional images more than the abstract, but you have to have different viewpoints...

NatureFootstep sa...

hm, intressant. Hade aldrig kunnat tro att din abstrakt var gjord av dessa bär. Häftigt!.

lorik sa...

I do like the original pics..but most of all I like your abstract where you have exaggerated the colour and pattern.

Hanneles bokparadis sa...

Kul :)

Prairie Jill sa...

I love these. They are all beautiful. The colours and lines are wonderful. I think they all make very good abstracts!